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What's Left of Philosophy?

In What’s Left of Philosophy Gil Morejón (@gdmorejon), Lillian Cicerchia (@classreductress), Owen Glyn-Williams (@oglynwil), and William Paris (@whiterutopia) discuss philosophy’s radical histories and contemporary political theory. Philosophy isn't dead, but what's left? Support us at

What's Left of Philosophy

What's Left of Philosophy

What's Left of Philosophy
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4 | Security, Supreme Concept of Bourgeois Society?

4 | Security, Supreme Concept of Bourgeois Society?

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3 | Laclau and Mouffe: or, How We Learned to Hate Class and Love Derrida

3 | Laclau and Mouffe: or, How We Learned to Hate Class and Love Derrida

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3 | Laclau and Mouffe: or, How We Learned to Hate Class and Love Derrida

3 | Laclau and Mouffe: or, How We Learned to Hate Class and Love Derrida

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© 2022 by William M. Paris PhD. 

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